for me

Friday, March 18, 2005

AIR RIFLE camp.. wow. so uninteresting.

Day 1
Go to school, met the rest of them. Then on the way saw the NCC people. Haiz.. why Yx and Aaron never pon camp, then dont need to see those losers. And so said hi and catch up with the rest of the ncc ppl before going off for camp. Put in charge of a group, with sec 1s and 2s. I would say they are pretty ok, at least they do what I tell them and they seems to work well as a group. Lol, motivated them to do a cheer after every activities, the only group who managed to do that. =)

Went for lunch. Isnt nice at all, actually, it's crap. After that, have treasure hunt, the worst activity of the whole day. Think i set a damn bad example, slacking and not helping to find, but er.. whatever la. Have make up for it in other activities. So we were first and owned the rest. At night, we had war games. It brought back bitter sweet memories. Memories of my batch doing the same thing, getting the same punishment, having the same look whenever we want to be given lesser stuff to do.

That time, I learned a lesson. Shallnt elaborate

But this time, I hope they learn about respect after the activity.
Saying things at the right time.

Respect is definitely earned. After the first day, being one of the seniors who pumped them the least, er.. they seem to enjoy slacking with me. Lol. but yea. maybe it's a good thing.

Shall continue tmr.. gonan sleep.


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